How much a swimmer gains from his/her individual training will, to a great extent, be dependent on their personal discipline, application and attitude to the following:
Arrive early to allow time for a thorough stretching routine
Attend as many sessions as your coach advises
Bring all of your training equipment with you
At The Pool
Arrive in a positive frame of mind, ready to train at the level your coach requires
Listen to your coach. He is there to advise you and to help you to become a better swimmer
Do ALL that is asked of you. Do less and you are only cheating yourself
Learn to use the pace clock to check your times during training
Train at the intensity your coach requires
Execute ALL turns correctly
Finish each length correctly. Swim hard into the wall
Think about your technique at all times. Technique is all important
Leave the pool after each session having accomplished something positive
Remember, each training session provides a chance for you to improve so that you can beat your rivals
Drink plenty of fluids during training to avoid dehydration
After each session eat a small snack and drink more fluids to restore energy and avoid dehydration
Adopt a healthy eating lifestyle…Low Fat…High Carbohydrate