Training Discipline

How much a swimmer gains from his/her individual training will, to a great extent, be dependent on their personal discipline, application and attitude to the following:


  • Arrive early to allow time for a thorough stretching routine

  • Attend as many sessions as your coach advises

  • Bring all of your training equipment with you

At The Pool

  • Arrive in a positive frame of mind, ready to train at the level your coach requires

  • Listen to your coach. He is there to advise you and to help you to become a better swimmer

  • Do ALL that is asked of you. Do less and you are only cheating yourself

  • Learn to use the pace clock to check your times during training

  • Train at the intensity your coach requires

  • Execute ALL turns correctly

  • Finish each length correctly. Swim hard into the wall

  • Think about your technique at all times. Technique is all important

  • Leave the pool after each session having accomplished something positive

  • Remember, each training session provides a chance for you to improve so that you can beat your rivals


  • Drink plenty of fluids during training to avoid dehydration

  • After each session eat a small snack and drink more fluids to restore energy and avoid dehydration

  • Adopt a healthy eating lifestyle…Low FatHigh Carbohydrate